Vascular Genetix

World class genetic laboratory

Vascular Genetix is a world class genetic laboratory equipped with state of art NGS technology located in CEE. With strong focus on quality assurance, we will be an accurate and reliable business partner to help you achieve your goals.

We aim to provide a competitive alternative to clinical, academic and industrial clients who are looking for a reliable partner for their genetic diagnostics needs. Our automated workflows and quality focus ensure fast, reliable and reproducible results to our customers.

Our colleagues have extensive experience in molecular genetics, laboratory diagnostics and healthcare business development.


Vascular Genetix’s human diagnostic laboratory is Hungary’s most modern, fully automated, high-throughput, next-generation genome sequencing (NGS) facility, using the latest technologies to perform quality-assured, standardised, rapid and more cost-effective testing of mainly human samples for research and diagnostic purposes.

Our Services

Prior to NGS analyses, nucleic acid isolation is a necessary, laborious, and critical step. Vascular Genetix offers extraction services for you

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) methods can be used to determine the DNA sequence of any organism. RNA sequencing is powerful method for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the human transcriptome and regulatory RNAs.

Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data, in particular when the data sets are large and complex.

Our Team

Zalán Péterfi


Zalán is the CSO of Vascular Group

Péter Puskás


Péter is the CEO of Vascular Group

Zoltán bihari


Zoltán is the Head of the Vascular Genetix NGS Laboratory

Márton Megyeri


Márton is the Head of Business Development